Our service was created in order to help people make money on recommendations for goods and services.
It often happens that you find a good product or service and want to send it to a friend so that he can use it or buy the same one. With our help, you can easily make money on this.
You take a link from online store, shorten this link using our service and send it to your friend or post it on your blog/social network. When someone clicks on this link and buys something from this store, you will receive a percentage of the sale of that product.
You can withdraw the received amount to your bank card, Yandex Money, Qiwi, phone, Paypal, WebMoney.
We have simplified all work with the recommendation of goods as much as possible. Just find a good product, shorten the link to it, post it in a social network/blog/messenger and earn.
Sincerely, MyRef.pro Team